Category Archive : News


Tuesdays 4pm, Thursdays 8am, Saturdays 3pm

CODEPINK Radio – Robust conversation with global grassroots peacemakers, from Yemen to Venezuela to Iran to right here in the U.S.

CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.

Founded in fall 2002 as a grassroots effort to prevent the US war on Iraq, we continue to organize for justice for Iraqis, to hold war criminals accountable, and to end and prevent other U.S. wars and regime change efforts. We actively oppose U.S. sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, N. Korea, Cuba, and more, the continuing U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, and the prosecution of whistle-blowers. We support Palestinian rights, diplomacy, and growing local peace economies. Our flagship campaign is Divest from the War Machine to divest from companies that derive their profits from U.S. military interventions, the global arms trade, and the militarization of our streets.

SOLITUDE CITY with Carson Young

Sundays 3pm, Mondays 8pm

Jazz on the radio Monday nights from 8-9 pm. Playing cuts from classic and contemporary artists who have contributed to, and expanded the form.

Dear Friends – Thank you for your support of CommUNITY Radio KNSJ and Activist San Diego! This is the last day to make a 2022 Tax-Deductible Donation


As we approach the end of another year in America, one thing is clear. We’re grappling with a lot. Democracy is in peril. Gun violence, antisemitism, racially-motivated hate crimes, and the wealth-gap are all on the rise.  The rampant spread of misinformation throughout our increasingly corporatized digital media platforms, means that now more than ever, independent media is critical to the democratic discussion. This is why KNSJ matters.

In our nine years on the air, KNSJ has featured live debates between candidates for City Council and the Mayor’s office, live productions from rallies for climate action, labor rights, civil rights, the PRIDE parade, and the Women’s March. We have more science and environment-based programs than all the other stations in San Diego County combined.

The service we provide to our listeners doesn’t stop at our Public Affairs programming. KNSJ is continuing to develop the best independent music programming schedule you’ll find in the entire county. Night in and night out, listeners who tune to 89.1 FM or stream online at will hear an incredibly eclectic array of music that will not be found on any of the corporately-monopolized stations that dominate the airwaves.

In 2023, KNSJ hopes to relocate to a bigger and better studio, strengthen our terrestrial signal, continue to expand our locally-produced programming schedule, and strengthen our ties to the community through live-music events and youth-based radio-production opportunities.

This holiday season, we hope that you will consider contributing to the cause of Social Justice community radio in San Diego County by becoming a member of KNSJ. Your tax-deductible donation will not only help KNSJ accomplish our goals, but will also help to counteract the dangerous spread of misinformation throughout the digital landscape with the type of truth-telling that only independent media can provide. We thank you for your continued support and wish you a happy New Year,
Your friends at KNSJ

Donate to KNSJ

KNSJ DJs and Volunteers
Martin Eder
Marie Johnson
Tim Taylor
Carson Young
Casey Hickenbottom
Darla Bardeli
Tony McDaid
Jay Jayakumar
Todd Urick
Rob Andrews
Misty Lizarranga
Brian Shrader
DJ Marko Mystic
Paul Georgeades
Jenny Western
Brandy Bell
DJ Solid Rock
Matt Parker

Kelsey Barry
DJ Super Rob
James Call
Jeff Lehton
Robyn Adriance
Flavorless Flav
DJ Pnutz
Art Martin
Handsome B. Wonderful
Mike Aguirre
Miriam Raftery

Mitch Murphey
Angela DeJoseph
Clare Gamber
Gail Stewart
Jake Christie
Keith Langhorn
Olijah Robinson
Patricia Law
Paul Roth
Sonja Robinson
Stacie Hankinson
Susan Taylor

We can always use volunteers in all areas including, social media, film, meeting the public to tech, news reporting and grassroots citizen journalists, studio work from production to on-air! No experience needed. All ages from youth to —? DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR A LOCAL SHOW? WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. Call 619-283-1100 for more information or email us at
Donate to KNSJ  

Activist San Diego
PO Box 5631
San Diego, CA 92165
United States

Medea Benjamin On Talk of the Town Live with Mike Aguirre Saturday at 11am

Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK. She is also co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange, the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, Unfreeze Afghanistan (which advocates for returning the $7 billion of Afghan funds frozen in U.S. banks), ACERE: The Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect, and the Nobel Peace Prize for Cuban Doctors Campaign.

Medea has been an advocate for social justice for 50 years. Described as “one of America’s most committed — and most effective — fighters for human rights” by New York Newsday, and “one of the high profile leaders of the peace movement” by the Los Angeles Times, she was one of 1,000 exemplary women from 140 countries nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the millions of women who do the essential work of peace worldwide.

She is the author of ten books, including Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection, and Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Her most recent book, coauthored with Nicolas J.S. Davies, is War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict.

Her articles appear regularly in outlets such as The Hill, Salon, CommonDreams and The Progressive. Her twitter handle is @medeabenjam



As we approach the end of another year in America, one thing is clear. We’re grappling with a lot. Democracy is in peril. Gun violence, antisemitism, racially-motivated hate crimes, and the wealth-gap are all on the rise. The rampant spread of misinformation throughout our increasingly corporatized digital media platforms means that now more than ever, independent media is critical to the democratic discussion. This is why KNSJ matters. In our nine years on the air, KNSJ has featured live debates between candidates for City Council and the Mayor’s office, live productions from rallies for climate action, labor rights, civil rights, the PRIDE parade, and the Women’s March. We have more science and environment-based programs than all the other stations in San Diego County combined. The service we provide to our listeners doesn’t stop at our Public Affairs programming. KNSJ is continuing to develop the best independent music programming schedule you’ll find in the entire county. Night in and night out, listeners who tune to 89.1 FM or stream online at will hear an incredibly eclectic array of music that will not be found on any of the corporately-monopolized stations that dominate the airwaves. In 2023, KNSJ hopes to relocate to a bigger and better studio, strengthen our terrestrial signal, continue to expand our locally-produced programming schedule, and strengthen our ties to the community through live-music events and youth-based radio-production opportunities. This Giving Tuesday, we hope that you will consider contributing to the cause of Social Justice community radio in San Diego County by becoming a member of KNSJ. Your donation will not only help KNSJ accomplish our goals, but will also help to counteract the dangerous spread of misinformation throughout the digital landscape with the type of truth-telling that only independent media can provide. Thank you for your support and donations. Donate Today (for as little as $24/year you can become a member!) #knsj

Rising Up with Sonali

All woman run radio and TV show.

News & Analysis of Economic, Racial, Gender Justice and More.


By Miriam Raftery

October 25, 2021 (San Diego) –  East County Magazine tonight received 11 awards in San Diego Press Club’s 48th annual Excellence In Journalism competition. The honors include three first place awards, recognitions for both our online news site and radio show coverage during the past year’s turbulent times.  ECM’s awards span a broad range of categories, including three of the four awards presented for breaking news. Since its inception in 2008, ECM has won 137 major journalism prizes. See more…

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OUT at the Park

We are 95% sold out for OUT at the Park! Grab your tix now to secure your limited edition Pride Hat! We have also set up ASL interpretation with dedicated seating. Get Tix:

Women of Color ROAR Media

Angela de Joseph ~ Saturday 10am, Thursday 5pm ~ local talk radio

WOC Roar is a communications platform to give voice to Women of Color. Our mission is to support, encourage and inspire young women to run for office.

The Shortwave Report

Mon 1:30pm, Thur 3:30pm, Sat 7:30am

The Shortwave Report Is a 30 minute review of news stories recorded from a shortwave radio. Times and frequencies for English-language programs are included to encourage you to listen on your own. It’s easy. There is a new show posted every Friday morning, record it in mono!