11am-Noon CUSTOM TAYLORED with Tim Taylor: Tim highlights the early blues, jazz, gospel, and pop that influenced the later development of rock music. This episode features some of the very earliest of recorded blues, called country blues. Country blues originated in the rural south the early 20th century. It’s similar to early folk music and usually consists of solo vocals with acoustic guitar accompaniment. You’ll hear Blind Willie Johnson, Cannon’s Jug Stompers, and Little Hat Jones, among others.

3-4pm SOLITUDE CITY with Carson Young: SOLITUDE CITY JAZZ on the RADIO with Carson Young playing cuts from classic and contemporary artists who have contributed to, and expanded the form.
In a recent conversation with Tim, he told us: “I’ve always dreamed of being a disc jockey, and now I’m fulfilling that dream in my retirement. I’ve been doing the Custom Taylored show for nearly two years now and it still gives me a huge thrill to discover vintage artists I didn’t know, or things I didn’t know about artists I’m familiar with, and to pass that information on to KNSJ listeners.”