Category Archive : Show

Civic Cipher

Wed 4pm

Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show/webcast/podcast hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward. This show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown voices, allowing them to engage directly with their communities as well as the general population. Self-determination is critical to securing a future free of oppressive systems, and Civic Cipher exists to facilitate discussions toward this end. Furthermore, Civic Cipher seeks to inform non-POC allies who may not be privy to these types of discussions and optics. Finally, Civic Cipher seeks to provide long-form conversations in spaces where there is often a lack of significant resources, potent dialogue, or the necessary engagement for facilitating a healthy and productive civil discourse.

Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @civiccipher

Writer’s Voice

Saturday 6pm

Writer’s Voice …where the conversation goes deeper. We talk to writers of all genres about matters that move us and make us think.  The program features interviews and readings, as well as reviews, with authors such as Louise Erdrich, James Risen, Ursula K. LeGuin, Russell Banks, poet Richard Wilbur and many more notable writers.

Writer’s Voice is produced and hosted by Francesca Rheannon, and has been on the air since 2004 with more than 400 shows produced, broadcasting on stations around the United States.

Letters to Washington

Tu-Th 7pm

We Do the Work

Sun 8:30am


Sunday 10am

Latest science, authors, issues – from climate change, oceans, forests, pollution, solar storms, the economy, and peace. Ready for re-broadcast, computer, iPod, or mp3 player. As heard on over 104 non-profit radio stations in 5 countries.Alex Smith - photo by Philip Smeltzer

Alex Smith – photo by Philip Smeltzer

About Alex Smith
Host of syndicated weekly Radio Ecoshock Show – the cutting edge with top scientists, authors and activists. Fourteen years on the air as of 2020. Previously a researcher for global environment group, print journalist, homesteader, world-traveler, and private investigator.

Native America Calling

Your National Electronic Talking Circle ~ Mo-Fr 10am

Native America Calling is a live call-in program linking public radio stations, the Internet and listeners together in a thought-provoking national conversation about issues specific to Native communities. Each program engages noted guests and experts with callers throughout the United States and is designed to improve the quality of life for Native Americans.

Sea Change Radio

Mo & We 6am, Tues 3:30pm

Sea Change Radio is a nationally syndicated weekly radio show and podcast focused on the shift to environmental and economic sustainability.

The Union Edge

Mo-Th 3pm

Background Briefing

Ian Masters ~ Mo-Fr 2pm

Building a reality-based community in post-truth America

Alternative Radio

Saturday 4pm, Tuesday 5pm

Alternative Radio, established in 1986, is an award-winning weekly one-hour public affairs program.  AR provides information, analyses and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in corporate media. With headquarters based in Boulder, Colorado, AR airs on over 200 radio stations.