Catherine Liu: Virtue Hoarders and the Rejection of Liberalism
Catherine Liu, a professor of film and media studies at the University of California, Irvine, joins host Chris Hedges on this episode of The Chris Hedges Report to discuss her new book, Virtue Hoarders: The Case Against the Professional Managerial Class.
ARIANA GALLEGOS presents AL CHILE RADIO, sponsored by the Employee Rights Center, offering you in-depth discussions and revealing interviews with guests who make a difference in our community. Join us every Saturday at 9 AM! DO YOU want to be part of the conversation? Call us during the show with your questions and comments at 619-790-KNSJ (5675).
TODAY Gail features
Three-time Emmy Award Winning director/writer Raymond Telles brings us his epic film about Fred Ross – the original agitator – who trained the likes of Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta on how to organize an effective protest.
“American Agitators” is a documentary being featured at the San Diego Latino Film Festival which runs March 19th – 23rd. Also on the show:
Maria Paula Lorgia Garnica — the Artistic Director of the San Diego Latino Film Festival (SDLFF).
Maria gives us all the information we need for the upcoming film festival. Maria is a film researcher and curator whose views are shaped by her Colombian heritage.
The San Diego Screenwriters Studio is dedicated to emerging screenwriters everywhere. Listen, Learn and, above all else, keep writing!
TALK OF THE TOWN with Mike Aguirre Fri 3-4pm, Sat 11am-noon
Mike is in conversation with Stephanie Macceca and a high school student in the district.
Stephanie Macceca, vice president of the Grossont Education Association, has worked as a high school English and Spanish teacher and teacher librarian since 1994. She has served her school and district as a WASC Coordinator, union representative and vice president, mentor teacher, Universal Design for Learning and technology trainer. Stephanie’s passion is reading and literacy. She has published several supplemental reading books for primary grades covering topics in history, science and English. Despite getting closer to retirement, Stephanie is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Reading and Literacy Leadership to better understand the reading struggles and find ways to solve them for high school students. She has been a dedicated advocate for vulnerable students, passionately supporting the unique needs of those in special education, English learners and LGBTQIA+ youth to ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive in their pursuit for learning. Connect via email at
The Grossmont Education Association (GEA) protects the rights, safeguards due process, and provides for equal treatment of all members. The Association represents the interests of its members while negotiating with the district for compensation, benefits and work conditions through collective bargaining. GEA is a strong, cohesive, and mutually supportive group of over 950 professional educators at 9 comprehensive high schools and other programs. These educators work together at the site level and communicate district-wide through a representative council. GEA members are dedicated to the academic success and positive personal development of their students – over 16,500 of them. GEA’s parent union is CTA and was founded sometime in the 1970s.
11am-Noon Sundays CUSTOM TAYLORED with Tim Taylor. Today, Tim reprises his third episode which features some of the very earliest of recorded female blues. All the featured artists were born on or before the year 1900, and include Bessie Smith, Ma Raney and Memphis Minnie. Custom Taylored is a chronological tour of the early blues, jazz, gospel, and pop that influenced the later development of rock music.
4-5pm Sundays SOLITUDE CITYwith Carson Young. This week’s set features selections from Max Roach, Archie Shepp, Randy Weston and more.
Call Mike and his guests with your questions: 619-790-KNSJ (5675)
Stephanie Macceca has worked as a high school English and Spanish teacher and teacher librarian since 1994. She has served her school and district as a WASC Coordinator, union representative and vice president, mentor teacher, Universal Design for Learning and technology trainer. Stephanie’s passion is reading and literacy. She has published several supplemental reading books for primary grades covering topics in history, science and English. Despite getting closer to retirement, Stephanie is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Reading and Literacy Leadership to better understand the reading struggles and find ways to solve them for high school students. She has been a dedicated advocate for vulnerable students, passionately supporting the unique needs of those in special education, English learners and LGBTQIA+ youth to ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive in their pursuit for learning. Connect via email at
The Grossmont Education Association (GEA) protects the rights, safeguards due process, and provides for equal treatment of all members. The Association represents the interests of its members while negotiating with the district for compensation, benefits and work conditions through collective bargaining. GEA is a strong, cohesive, and mutually supportive group of over 950 professional educators at 9 comprehensive high schools and other programs. These educators work together at the site level and communicate district-wide through a representative council. GEA members are dedicated to the academic success and positive personal development of their students – over 16,500 of them. GEA’s parent union is CTA and was founded sometime in the 1970s.
Mike is in conversation with Dr. Farid Abdel-Nour, San Diego State University
Farid Abdel-Nour received his Ph.D. in Political Science in 1999 from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He joined the Political Science Department at SDSU in 2000, and is the former Department Chair. He is also a core faculty member of the Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies which he has directed from 2002 to 2006, from 2010 to 2012, and Fall 2019. From Fall 2016- Spring 2018 Abdel-Nour served as the Bruce E. Porteous endowed professor in Political Science and directed the Charles Hostler Institute on World Affairs in an honorary capacity.
His research and teaching interests are in Political Theory and Middle East Politics. His scholarly work focuses on the responsibility that ordinary citizens bear for outcomes brought about by their states. He has a special interest in Israeli-Palestinian relations.
Abdel-Nour teaches “History of Western Political Thought,” “Modern Political Thought,” “Government and Politics of the Middle East,” “Contemporary Political Thought,” Internship in Local Politics,” “Senior Thesis,” and the “Graduate Seminar in Political Theory,” and the “Graduate Seminar in Politics” with an emphasis on Arab politics.
Luis was born in Chula Vista. He is studying Media studies with a minor in Creative Editing and Publishing.
About his journey into writing, Luis says: “I started writing in 2020 with a very short story on Wattpad. In 2021 I began to experiment with my writing. I started to write poems in Spanish. By the end of the year I began writing poems in English and I haven’t stopped since. Throughout 2022 to 2023 I developed more of a style for my poems. They are free verse–that’s my guideline. I’m a self-taught poet. Some of my poems have been featured in Southwestern College’s Creative Writing Magazine ‘The Vagabond’ and at San Diego State University’s creative arts magazine ‘Creative Collective Magazine.'”