Talk of the Town

TALK OF THE TOWN with Mike Aguirre Fri 3-4pm


Mike is in conversation with Dr. Farid Abdel-Nour, San Diego State University

Farid Abdel-Nour received his Ph.D. in Political Science in 1999 from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He joined the Political Science Department at SDSU in 2000, and is the former Department Chair. He is also a core faculty member of the Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies which he has directed from 2002 to 2006, from 2010 to 2012, and Fall 2019. From Fall 2016- Spring 2018 Abdel-Nour served as the Bruce E. Porteous endowed professor in Political Science and directed the Charles Hostler Institute on World Affairs in an honorary capacity.

His research and teaching interests are in Political Theory and Middle East Politics. His scholarly work focuses on the responsibility that ordinary citizens bear for outcomes brought about by their states. He has a special interest in Israeli-Palestinian relations.

Abdel-Nour teaches “History of Western Political Thought,” “Modern Political Thought,” “Government and Politics of the Middle East,” “Contemporary Political Thought,” Internship in Local Politics,” “Senior Thesis,” and the “Graduate Seminar in Political Theory,” and the “Graduate Seminar in Politics” with an emphasis on Arab politics.

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