The Electric Picnic
THE ELECTRIC PICNIC with Susan Taylor Wed 3-4pm
Susan’s Guest is Poet LUIS ZAVALA

Luis was born in Chula Vista. He is studying Media studies with a minor in Creative Editing and Publishing.
About his journey into writing, Luis says: “I started writing in 2020 with a very short story on Wattpad. In 2021 I began to experiment with my writing. I started to write poems in Spanish. By the end of the year I began writing poems in English and I haven’t stopped since. Throughout 2022 to 2023 I developed more of a style for my poems. They are free verse–that’s my guideline. I’m a self-taught poet. Some of my poems have been featured in Southwestern College’s Creative Writing Magazine ‘The Vagabond’ and at San Diego State University’s creative arts magazine ‘Creative Collective Magazine.'”