
“Customed Taylored” with Tim Taylor
CUSTOM TAYLORED MUSIC Sunday 11am-Noon For a respite from today’s news, Tim has us enjoying classics in pop music that turned the world around and made an impact that continues to influence music. Today, episode 62 is part of a subseries on the music that paved the way for post war urban blues. Tim spins […]

Al Chile
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO En Vivo Con Ariana Gallegos Sat 9am Call us during the show with your questions and comments at 619-790-KNSJ (5675) ARIANA GALLEGOS presents AL CHILE RADIO, sponsored by the Employee Rights Center, offering you in-depth discussions and revealing interviews with guests who make a difference in our community. Join us every […]

Al Chile
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO EN VIVO WITH ARIANA GALLEGOS Sat 9-10am Call in with comments or questions. 619-790-KNSJ {5675} ARIANA GALLEGOS presents AL CHILE RADIO, sponsored by the Employee Rights Center, offering you in-depth discussions and revealing interviews with guests who make a difference in our community. Join us every Saturday at 9 AM!DO YOU […]

Al Chile
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO EN VIVO CON ARIANA GALLEGOS Saturday 9-10am Hoy en Al Chile Show una entrevista con Alor Calderon. Hablaremos sobre las horas extras en el trabajo, en arte y cultura. Natalie LeGuerrete nos habla sobre los estudios Afroamericanos en nuestras escuelas. Today on Al Chile an interview with Alor Calderon. We will […]

Al Chile
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO En Vivo Con ARIANA GALLEGOS Saturdays 9-10am Music – Current News – Interviews – Lively Discussions ¡Acompáñanos todos los sábados a las 9 a. m.! Ariana Gallegos presenta el programa Al Chile, patrocinado por el Employee Rights Center, te ofrece debates profundos y entrevistas reveladoras con invitados que marcan la diferencia […]

Al Chile
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO Con Ariana Gallegos Sat 9-10am En Vivo! Al Chile Show hoy hablaremos sobre los derechos reproductivos con Alejandra Soto y en Arte y Cultura Alex Zuniga de Tijuana No! Live! To Chile Show today we will talk about reproductive rights with Alejandra Soto and in Art and Culture Alex Zuniga from […]

Al Chile
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO con ARIANA GALLEGOS Sat 9-10am ARIANA GALLEGOS presents AL CHILE RADIO, sponsored by the Employee Rights Center, offering you in-depth discussions and revealing interviews with guests who make a difference in our community. Join us every Saturday at 9 AM!DO YOU want to be part of the conversation? Call us during […]

AL CHILE Saturday 9-10am
AL CHILE SPANISH RADIO EN VIVO LIVE SAT 9AM Con Ariana Gallegos Call us with your comments 619-790-5675 Music Current News Interviews Lively Discussions ¡Acompáñanos todos los sábados a las 9 a. m.! Ariana Gallegos presenta el programa Al Chile, patrocinado por el Employee Rights Center, te ofrece debates profundos y entrevistas reveladoras con invitados […]

Saturdays 9-10 AM

Llámenos al 619-790-5675 Your favorite commentator, host and DJ with news, music and interviews.